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Friday, September 22, 2017

Procedementu Analiza be'e ~ IRON(Besi)

1. Start program 265 Iron FerroVer
2. Prepare 2,5 ml of water sample
3. add treated water to sample up to 25 ml
4. Stir a minute to make sure that it’s really mixing
5. Fill a sample cell with 10 ml of sample
6. Add the contents of one FerroVer Iron Reagent Powder Pillow.
7. Close the sample cell. Shake to dissolve the reagent.
8. Start the instrument timer. To prevent low results leave the sample on a
flat surface.
9. Fill a blank second sample cell with 10 ml of sample.
10.Clean the blank.
11.Insert the blank into the cell holder.
12.Push Zero.
13.After the timer expires, gently invert the prepared sample two times.
14.Clean the prepared sample.
15.Insert the prepared sample into the cell holder.
16.Push read.
17.Result show in Fe- times by 10
Note: 10 values are ten times mixing between water sample and
treated water.

Konteudu seluk tan bele hare' iha link ida ne': pajina Kualidade be' Betano Dadulas

Procedementu Analiza Bee ~ Dureza "HARDNESS"

Atu hatene konten hardness iha be'e presiza analiza ho prosedementu hanesan tuir mai.

Ekipamentu nebe presiza hodi analiza Hardness:

Graduate Cylinder 50 ml
Glass 2

Kimiku ou rejen titrasaun

H-2 460-SO275 ou SO266
H-3 460-SO277
H-1 460-SO274

Prosedimentu hanesan tuir mai:

Konteudu seluktan bele hare iha Pajina Kualidade Be




Phosphate and phosphonates are interesting substances from a water treatment point of view. Phosphate discharged into surface waters can stimulate plant growth, resulting in a
eutrophication of rivers and lakes. An efficient removal of phosphate during wastewater treatment is therefore an important factor in preserving the water quality of eutrophic lakes. Phosphonates are complexing agents containing one or more C–PO(OH)2 groups (Nowack, 2003). Phosphonates have
three main properties: they are effective chelating agents for two- and tri-valent metal ions (Lacour et al., 1998), they inhibit crystal growth and scale formation and they are quite stable under harsh chemical conditions. Important industrial uses of phosphonates are in cooling waters, desalination systems and in oil fields to inhibit scale formation. In pulp and paper manufacturing and in textile ndustry they are used as peroxide bleach stabilizers, acting as chelating agents for metals that could inactivate the peroxide. In detergents they are used as a combination of chelating agent, scale inhibitor and bleach stabilizer.

Drewphos 3000 – ready-to-feed, high purity phosphate solution used in new boiler designs
1. Start program 490 P React. PP., 2. Prepare 2,5 ml of water sample, 3. Add treated water to sample up to 25 ml, 4. Stir a minute to make sure that it’s really mixing, 5. Fill a sample cell with 10 ml of sample, 6. Add the contents of one PhosVer 3 Phosphate Reagent Powder Pillow to the cell. 7. Immediately close the sample cell. Shake vigorously for 30 seconds. 8. Start the instrument timer. To prevent low results leave the sample on a flat surface. 9. Fill a blank second sample cell with 10 ml of sample. 10.When the timer expires, clean the blank. 11.Insert the blank into the cell holder. 12.Push ZERO. The display shows 0.00 mg/L PO43–. 13.Clean the prepared sample. 14.Insert the prepared sample into the cell holder. 15.Push read. 16.Result show in mg/L NO2- times by 10. Note: Base to range 0.02 to 2.50 mg/L PO43 of HACH Colorimeter DR 900, needed ten times mixing between water sample and treated water. 

Konteudu seluk tan bele klik ne'e: pajina Kualidade be' Betano Dadulas


Nitritus ~ Nitrite

Reasaun Nitritu

Keta konfundi Nitritus (nitrite) ho Nitratus (nitrate) , nitrite ho formula kimika (formula molekular)   NO2−  no nitrate formula molekular NO
Nitritus bele nakfilak ba Nitratus bainhira iha be refrijerasaun motor, grupu bakteria klorofila (chlorophyll) monocelular hanaran Pseudomonas, mak kauza formasaun tahu no algas ne'ebe kontamina ho cirkuitus refrijerasaun rezulta  transformasaun Nitritus ba Nitratus.

Haketak ou hasai Kloru husi RO (CHLORINE REMOVER)


Kimika ida ne'e uza hodi hasai hikas Kloru (Chlorine) nebe kontamina iha be'e liu husi kimika Sodium hypoclorite nia prezensa nudar oksidantes aas/forte nune labele estraga membrana molok halao separasaun/taes iha RO. Chlorine Scavenger injeta iha kanal entre  Softener ho Membrana RO, utiliza bomba puls ne'ebe integradu ho ajustador ba frekuencia nomos stroke.

Multiparameter Handheld COLORIMETER

Instrumentu sirak nebe uza hodi halo analizasaun ba bee maka hanesan:
  • DR  890 Multiparameter Handheld Colorimeter
  • DR 900 Multiparameter Handheld Colorimeter
 DR 900 nia programa konaba phosphate ladauk iha.

    Hare konteudu kompletu iha pajina Analiza Be'e


    Sodiu hipokloritu ~ Sodium hypochlorite

    Sodium Hypochlorite - Hipokloritu Sodiu

    Be'e lases husi mikrobis ne'ebe sempre moris iha be'e nia laran. Ita lakonsege hare direita ho matan rasik, karik laajuda ho instrumentu mikroskope. Bainhira be'e ita rai kleur vizual ita hetan fatin hodi tau be'e ba'a nakfilak koor sai matak, modok ka verde. Hirak ne'e kategoria hanesan mikrobis.

    Kondisaun iha leten sei lori impaktu negativu bodik tratamentu be'e iha RO, Bainhira RO afeta husi mikrobis nee sei pertubra be'e nia volume kada tempu. RO nee rasik kleur ka lalais sei sai intupidu. Tamba ne'e ita presiza maneira ne'ebe kapas hodi bele redus no diak liutan evita ou elimina. Solusaun ida mak kimika ho naran Sodium hypochlorite. Tipu kimika ida ne'e sei injeta ho ninia koncentrasaun especifiku ba iha tanki rezerva, liu-liu tanki rezerva ne'ebe rai be'e ba tempu kleur. 

    Sodium hypochlorite kompostu husi sodium cation (Na+) no hypochlorite anion (ClO); Nia hanesan mos masin hosi hypochlorous acid. Baibain tipu kimika ida ne'e uza hanesan disinfectant ou bleaching agen ida.
    Sodium hypochlorite mak babain uza hanesan biocide
    iha industria laran applikasaun atu kontrola slime/lendir no bakteria nebe forma iha sistema bee uzadu iha power plant no seluk tan.
    Atu kontrola slime/lendir no bakteria mak forma iha sistema be'e iha power plant, fabrika no seluk tan. Solusaun koncentrasaun specifiku husi 10–15%.

    Bainhira halao servicu ho kimika ne'e presiza hare mos ninia MSDS nune labele estraga ema no sasan. MSDS bele hare'e iha imajen tuir mai;
    Sodium hypochlorite ~ MSDS

    Kompostu Sodium hypochlorite iha mos Chlorine presiza hasai husi sistema be'e molok taes ho membram RO. Hare'e iha Haketak ou hasai Kloru husi RO (CHLORINE REMOVER)

    Konteudu seluk tan bele hare'e iha pajina Analiza Be'e