Friday, September 22, 2017

Nitritus ~ Nitrite

Reasaun Nitritu

Keta konfundi Nitritus (nitrite) ho Nitratus (nitrate) , nitrite ho formula kimika (formula molekular)   NO2−  no nitrate formula molekular NO
Nitritus bele nakfilak ba Nitratus bainhira iha be refrijerasaun motor, grupu bakteria klorofila (chlorophyll) monocelular hanaran Pseudomonas, mak kauza formasaun tahu no algas ne'ebe kontamina ho cirkuitus refrijerasaun rezulta  transformasaun Nitritus ba Nitratus.

 Grafiku Nitritu
Aditivu baze Nitritu be refrijerasaun hanaran mos pertubra anodik (anodic inhibitors) no rekere dosis propriu no manutensaun. Aditivu nitritu hanesan masin no sei hasae konduktividade be. Iha parte seluk, konduktividade nudar parametru ida afeta prosesu hahu korosaun, konduktividade a’as proporcional ho korosaun. Bainhira kondisaun (level nitritu, pH nst) iha sistema hanesan baze aditivu nitritu labele proteje tan superfici hotu iha sistema, bele hamosu korosaun ho lalais tamba konduktividade a’as tebes. Korosaun ataka area sei sae makas se laiha aditivu iha sistema hotu nia prezensa, hare’e eskema grafiku korosaun. Kondisaun perigu korosaun sei depende mos ho temperature, pH, nst iha be refrijerasaun.

Atu hatene valor nitritu nia prezensa iha be refrijerasaun motor, bele halo tuir prosedementu tuir mai:


  1. Start program 373 N, Nitrite HR PP
  2. Prepare 2,5 ml of water sample
  3. Add treated water to sample up to 25 ml
  4. Stir a minute to make sure that it’s really mixing
  5. Fill a sample cell with 10 ml of sample
  6. Add the contents of one NitriVer 2 Nitrite Reagent Powder Pillow
  7. Close the sample cell, Shake to dissolve the reagent
  8. Start the instrument timer. To prevent low results leave the sample on a flat surface
  9. Fill a blank second sample cell with 10 ml of sample 10, Clean the blank,
  10. Insert the blank into the cell holder.
  11. Push Zero,
  12. After the timer expires, gently invert the prepared sample two times,
  13. Clean the prepared sample,
  14. Insert the prepared sample into the cell holder,
  15. Push read.
  16. Result show in mg/L NO2- times by 10
Note: 10 values are ten times mixing between water sample and treated water.

Kalkulasaun nitritu bele hare'e tuir tabela iha kraik,

Konteudu seluk tan bele hare'e iha pajina Kualidade be'e




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